Wednesday 19 November 2008

The Times are changing....

When I flick through a copy of The Times or browse the website Times Online , I can clearly see that the two meduims may be from the same company but the differences in style, content and audience are clear.

Firstly the website is aimed at a younger audience, with a more modern design and style. One example of this is the logos; the newspaper has a traditional style title with the Times logo while the website has a modern colorful title, without the traditional logo.

The website also displays a lot more stories than the newspaper. This may be because the website is trying to appeal to a wider audience (rather than the newspaper addressing its target audience) by publishing a range of stories, from the more serious hard news to the softer, more popular news.

The Times Newspaper and its online edition are clearly separated from each other (a different approach to other newspapers like The Guardian). The newspaper is not interactive and has very few links to the website. The website, on the other hand, is very interactive. It provides links to videos, podcasts, Times Online TV and it helps readers navigate through the website with most read links and tag boxes of the most popular searches on Times Online.

The Times newspaper has a high readership in the ABC1 25-44 category. I think that the website provides a more modern, immediate, interactive and wider ranging coverage of the news for readers of different ages, genders and tastes. 

(Image from

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